Speak Up

A four-month accelerator for leaders ready to get hired, promoted, and recognized.

You are an exceptional leader.

It’s time to hype yourself.

You know you’re good at what you do.
Heck, you’re awesome.
You deliver value every day. Colleagues see you as a high achiever.

And you are hungry for your next promotion, your next job.
But something isn’t clicking.

You deliver amazing results, but senior leadership doesn’t seem to notice.
You land initial interviews, but you don’t progress to the next round.

Here’s the hard truth:
No one will recognize your value if you don’t promote yourself.

It’s time to level up the way you talk about yourself.

Promote Your Value  

I’ve been where you are. 

I interviewed for a job and got rejected with the feedback I “didn’t have enough experience” in a key skill area. I felt shocked and annoyed - this skill area formed the backbone of my career. I could demonstrate deep expertise and had delivered exceptional results over multiple years and roles. How did the interviewer not see this? 

And then it hit me. 
The interviewer didn’t see my expertise because I didn’t effectively promote it.

It didn’t matter how much value I had delivered in the past - if I couldn’t talk about myself and my work in a way that others understood, the value remained hidden.

I thought my work would speak for itself.
I felt awkward and uncomfortable promoting myself.
I believed that talking about myself was “boastful” and “self-involved”.

I had to unlearn all these beliefs and shift my mindset.
I had to face the truth - no one will know how awesome I am if I don’t talk about it

Are you ready to find the words and confidence to reflect your badass self?

This program is designed for you.


Speak Up

Let's face it, you're a badass leader, and it's high time you step into the spotlight.

It's not about bragging or feeling uncomfortable; it's about owning your worth and showing the world what you bring to the table. 

Over the course of four months and eight LIVE sessions, I'm going to be your guide. Together, we're getting hands-on with real strategies to turbocharge your leadership presence, redefine how you talk about yourself, and pave the way for a career that aligns with your passion and purpose. 

I will personally guide you through:

  • Empowering yourself as a leader - make every conversation a stage for your exceptional leadership skills. You deliver, and it's time to take center stage.

  • Promoting yourself and your value - level up how you talk about yourself, without the icky or uncomfortable vibes. Craft a narrative that resonates with any audience. 

  • Fostering continued growth - discover the art of hyping yourself. Craft a thriving career and life through powerful conversations.

This program is a turning point, a chance to redefine your career trajectory and steer yourself towards an impactful future. Picture yourself confidently taking the reins in interviews and commanding every conversation like a boss.

Get ready to:

  • Identify and refine your superpowers - let’s face it, you’ve got some serious strengths

  • Communicate value - articulate your unique value in a way that makes you stand out in a crowded market. It's not about fitting in; it's about being unforgettable.

  • Lead every conversation with impact - clear, concise, and powerful language is your new secret weapon.

Bring your passion and dedication, and I'll bring my experience, knowledge, and unwavering commitment to your success. Together, we're crafting a success story for your career—one that empowers you to level up and build the career you desire.

It's time to elevate the way you lead, promote yourself, and grow. Ready to shine?

Let's own this.

This program is for you if…

  • You're eager to level up as a leader or executive, but your progress isn't matching your expectations.

  • You're not just a high-performer; you're a powerhouse of a leader. You know you deliver value at work, and you have years of expertise under your belt.

  • You’re ready to challenge yourself and your beliefs about self-promotion. In the past when you’ve challenged yourself, you’ve leveled up.

  • You thrive in a community setting. You love the camaraderie, support, perspective, vulnerability, and wisdom that comes from being a member of an intimate group that is learning and growing together.

  • You’re committed to growing yourself and shifting your mindset.

Services and Investment

Four Months of Empowered Engagement led by Sarah B:

  • 4 x 75 minute group mastermind sessions (April - July, 1x month)

  • 6 x 50 minute 1:1 coaching sessions with Sarah B. (May - July, 2x month)

  • 4 x 75 minute ask me anything office hours (April - July, 1x month, optional)

  • Exercises and activities to empower your progress

  • Intimate Slack community to connect with and learn alongside fellow participants

  • Direct access to coach via email and Slack for coaching, advice, and thought partnership

Investment: $5,400


Sarah’s program came just when I wanted to improve my personal storytelling in a noisy world. I was unsure at first because there are many programs out there, but I’m glad I joined. It showed me a more deliberate and authentic way to frame my story, and it’s also a warm, supportive, and nurturing community. Thanks, Sarah for this personalized experience and for caring about our growth at a time when I need it the most! — B2B SaaS Marketing Executive

I've been in the job search for far too long. I have the experience and skills but something wasn't clicking …until I worked with Sarah. She helped me level up the way I speak about myself, in a way that made me comfortable.  I'm showing up in a more confident way— COO, Fortune 500

Working with Sarah gave me a new perspective on how to answer interview questions and how to better pitch myself.  – SaaS Startup Leader, Fintech

Sarah is a powerful coach who listens to what outcomes you are looking for and tailors her coaching around your outcomes.  – VP of Customer Success, Consultant, Investor

I've been struggling with the self confidence and motivation to make a big change in my career. Working with Sarah has re-energized me and makes me excited about what I can do next. – COO, Consultant

The NO GUARANTEE Guarantee

  1. There’s no guarantee you will level up in your career simply because you want to.

  2. And, of course, there’s no guarantee that you’ll level up just because you attend this program.

  3. You’ll need to practice what you learn, make mistakes, and get up and try again. 

You don’t need this program. You can do this alone. I did. I networked and interviewed for jobs for years, and through trial and error I found a winning combination that worked. 

No one can promise you a magic bullet, but with expert guidance you can drastically reduce the amount of time, energy, and mistakes you make along the way.